Install Drive File Stream

Add Drive File Stream to the computer for accessing the ebnn and metadata repositories.

Google Drive File Stream is a software program that allows you to access repositories stored on Google Drive directly on your computer. It creates a new drive letter on the computer, so you can access the cloud repository within the local File Explorer. These files remain in the cloud. We copy the necessary ebnn repository from Google Drive File Stream to the ebnn folder on the external hard drive.

Your supervisor must add you to the Google Shared Drive prior to installing the Google Drive File Stream software.
  1. If it is not already installed, or if you need to reinstall it, download and install Drive File Stream for Windows.
    This adds a virtual drive to the computer, called Google Drive File Stream. To work on files, open that drive in Explorer, just like before.
  2. To open ebnn in File Explorer, go to G:/Google Drive File Stream/Shared drives/ebnn.
  3. Show the Drive File Stream icon in the taskbar.
    1. Place the cursor over a blank space in the taskbar, right-click, and select Taskbar Settings.
      The Settings window appears.
    2. Halfway down the page, click Select which icons appear on the taskbar.
    3. Change Google Drive File Stream from off to on.
  4. Set Drive File Stream Preferences
    1. Open the Preferences window by clicking on the Drive icon.

    2. Click the hamburger in the upper right corner to open the preferences window.

    3. Check the box to "Launch Drive File sStream on system startup." Uncheck "Real time presence." Leave the Local cached files directory in the default location on the C: drive. Click OK.
  5. Tell Google Shared Drive not to change file formats.
    1. In a web browser, open Google Drive.
    2. In Shared drives, open the ebnn repository.
    3. Click the hamburger at the top of the screen and select settings.
      The Settings window opens
    4. Uncheck the box for Convert uploads and click Done.
When finished, your will have Google Drive Files Stream correctly installed on the computer. Look in File Explorer to see what drive letter it has (normally G:). And look at the drive letter assigned to your external hard drive. These should be the drives in the SyncBack Free backup profile for the ebnn repository. This profile copies files from the external hard drive to the repository in Google Drive File Stream. From there, file are automatically uploaded to the ebnn repository on Google Shared Drive.