Editorial standards

The following editorial principles are employed in creating this digital edition.

The sources texts we edit contain many different kinds of material, including multiple languages, scientific formulas, illustrations, tables, footnotes, marginal subheadings, and so forth. These standards evolved with the goal in mind of creating as accurate a reproduction of the encyclopedia text as possible and allowing for the incorporation of further details at a later date, if desired. This list describes the essential principles adhered to in creating r1 of this edition, which focuses on the accurate reproduction of the text.

  1. Captions
    • Table captions are included.
    • Image captions are not included.
      • An exception to this rule is the material in eb11 reproduced from Project Gutenberg, which includes image captions.
  2. Diacritics and Alphabets
    • As much as possible, the OCR reproduces original language characters with their diacritical markings.
    • Some languages, such as Hebrew and Sanskrit, require special treatment and are noted for further review in r2.
    • The Euclidean alphabet of Greek is poorly reproduced in r1 and should not be relied upon.
  3. Notes
    • Note text is preserved and moved in line with the body text, at the site of the note anchor.
    • Unanchored note text is moved in line with the body text, at the inferred point of reference.
    • Source note numbers are removed.
    • The placement of footnotes, marginal and table notes are indicated in <note> encoding, as a value of @place.
  4. Formulas
    • Simple one-line mathematical and chemical formulas are reproduced to the extent possible by OCR.
    • Multi-line formulas are not reproduced in r1 of this project.
      • An exception to this rule is the material in eb11 reproduced from PG, which includes multi-line formulas.
  5. Images
    • Links to source images are included for each page in the TEI edition.
    • Images of illustrations are outside the scope of r1.
      • An exception to this rule is the material in eb11 reproduced from PG, which includes images.
  6. Headings
    • The text of headings and subheadings within the normal flow of the text are included.
    • Side descriptions in the margins or in cut-outs of the text area are not included.
      • An exception to this rule is the material in eb11 reproduced from PG, which includes side descriptions and cut-outs.
  7. Ligatures
    • Ligatures are reproduced as multiple letters, not a unique symbol.
  8. Page Layout
    • The two-column format of individual pages is not preserved. All type is presented as a single column capturing the flow of the semantic content.
    • Page breaks are indicated in place in the metadata.
    • Column breaks are not indicated.
  9. Tables
    • Tables are outside the scope of r1.
    • Table data is preserved in the OCR process for inclusion in r2.
    • Lines and graphical attributes of the source table are not reproduced.
    • An exception to these rules is the material in eb11 reproduced from PG, which includes tabular matter.
  10. Typographical errors
    • Obvious misspellings in the source text are noted in the TEI as a choice between the misspelling and the correct spelling.
    • Illegible text is rare. When it occurs, it is indicated with bracketed ellipses: [...].
  11. Spelling
    • Original spelling is preserved throughout.
  12. Type style
    • The following font formatting is preserved:
      • Italic
      • Small Cap
      • Strike through
      • Subscript
      • Superscript
      • Underline
    • The following formatting is ignored:
      • Bold
      • Font size
      • Typeface