outputs Repository

Explains the content of the outputs repository.

The outputs repository resides on GitHub. It contains the OCR output files and their derivatives, like master file anddigital editions. This repository has the following folders:

analytics Files used in analyzing all text in the Nineteenth-Century Knowledge Project.
autoindex Reserved for data related to generating metadata.
code All Python, XSLT, and related scripts used in processing data in the Knowledge Project.
digital-editions We use the master file to generate editions in different formats and store these derivative editions here.
documentation This user manual.
dp-files Reserved for material from Distributed Proofreaders
entry Contains files in the second state of the production process, with text from one encyclopedia entry in each file.
master Contains master files for the creating new editions.
metadata Files necessary to creating metadata for the master files.
page Contains files in the first stage of the production process, with text from one printed page in each file.
records A collection of spreadsheets and other documents recording details of the production and analytical work.